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Image by David Watkis

We're Happy Little Vegemites: The Taste of Australia - Whether You Like It or Not!


Updated: Jul 18, 2024

Image courtesy David Caird

Vegemite tastes like Australia—bold, unique, and a bit of an acquired taste. It's a breakfast staple, often smeared on toast. Growing up, Vegemite sandwiches were my go-to school lunch. Alongside Weetbix, it's hard to find a more iconic Australian breakfast. However, new arrivals might not be as keen on Vegemite as us Aussies are.

The Great Vegemite Debate

Curious about my culturally diverse colleagues' thoughts, I bravely raised the topic:

  • British colleagues: Find it disgusting and refuse to try it. They're loyal to Marmite and might break into "My Mate Marmite."

  • Middle Eastern colleague: Had her first taste at the airport. Took years to adjust but now loves it, especially during fasting days.

  • Filipino colleague: Doesn't keep it at home but would eat it if offered—too polite to refuse.

  • American colleague: Her kids tricked her into eating a teaspoon. We've lost her!

  • The Aussies: All (except one picky Millennial) love it and keep it as a pantry staple.

Vegemite is more than just a spread—it's a piece of Australian history and a beloved tradition.

Made in Melbourne

Vegemite has been made in Port Melbourne since 1923 and has been proudly owned by Bega Cheese Limited since 2017. There was even talk about heritage listing the distinctive smell from the Fisherman's Bend Factory—now that's serious devotion!

"Happy Little Vegemites"

In 1954, the catchy "Happy Little Vegemites" jingle hit the airwaves, embedding itself in Australian culture:

"We're happy little Vegemites, as bright as bright can be. We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch, and tea. Our mummies say we're growing stronger every single week, Because we love our Vegemite, we all adore our Vegemite. It puts a rose in every cheek."

Image courtesy of Vegemite Instagram

The Goldilocks Factor: How Much Vegemite is Enough?

There’s no definitive answer—it's subjective. One thing is clear: butter and Vegemite are a strong partnership. Whether you’re eating toast, bread, or crackers, there is a simple formula of butter first, followed by your desired level of the iconic spread. Newbie's need to start with a small amount to get accustomed to the taste. Jumping in at a number six might be too intense and you'll be like my American colleague and never come back.

Not Just Tasty, But Good for You

Vegemite is an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B9, which support brain health and reduce fatigue, anxiety, stress, and heart disease risk. It’s also great for cooking. The Vegemite website has many recipes and cool merchandise—I’ve got my eye on the tea towels!

Little Aussie Battler

Love it or hate it, Vegemite is an Australian icon we can be immensely proud of. Unlike other lost Aussie icons (VB, Milo, Tim Tams, Billabong, Four'N Twenty, and Ugg), Vegemite remains true blue. Give it a chance—you might end up a happy little Vegemite!


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